Friday, December 19, 2008


I promised to keep you all updated on the dreadlocking progress and well, life has been moving so fast! But here are a few pictures. They are moving along nicely, partly because Morgan takes every opportunity to work on them or to get someone else to. I caught him the other day trying to roll a dread while driving!!! We have also moved onto a much smaller crochet hook, o.75 mm.

They are still very fuzzy on the top (zoom in on the photo's and you can see what I mean!) but we are getting there. He has also started adorning them with beads and other decorations.
I think they are coming along nicely...


Chrisy said...

They really suit him...some people just don't have the bone structure for them...but he does...

lyptis said...

Your boyfriend looks like a fairy troll!:)
*runs off and hides*

hannahfaerie said...

Thanks Chrisy, he used to have them but cut them off a few years ago, he missed them too much.
lyptis, he kinda has hobbit feet...